The Emergency Measures Act - From Democracy to Police State - Exploiting Trucker Freedom Protest ?
12/14/202417 min read
Feb 3rd, 2022 Ottawa Canada - Trudeau and Singh seem quick to call hate and both are quick to issue personal opinions, make an official statement, take sides, and strongly condemn the new Truckers freedom protest on Parliament Hill ? Being that both Leaders of the Government have labelled this Protest as hate,, then if Bill C-63 had been enacted at this time then all participants in this protest could be subject to a maximum criminal sentence of life in prison ..
It had been the very first weekend of the new Truckers' freedom protest now forming on Parliament Hill. But this time it's different ? This civil protest brings an immediate reaction from the 2 Leaders in Parliament ? Such a quick reaction and immediate taking of sides is unlike those taken in previous protests like the BLM rioting, the string of Christian Church burnings, the lawless vandalism of historic artifacts and statues, and the First nation pipeline and railway blockades ? There was no such judgement given nor any such condemnation voiced nor any taking of sides, nor was there even any official statements issued for weeks ?
Feb 3rd, 2022 Ottawa Canada - While trucks, truckers and Ottawa citizens gather together on Parliament Hill to begin the freedom convoy protest,, And after the violence, the damage to public property, and criminal acts perpetrated last Spring and Summer during BLM protests, and after arsonists burned, damaged and destroyed so many historic Canadian Christian Churches one after the other in hate crimes committed in and around the time of 2021 Canada Day celebrations, And after violent mobs tore down and mutilated historic statues in Cities all across Canada, And also after the intense and volatile confrontations with First Nations over both past and present issues that saw the throwing of fire at moving trains, rumor's of on-site military-style assault weapons, and the lengthy occupation and blockade of pipelines, roads and railways , and then after waiting for weeks on end before commenting in a delicate, careful, diplomatic and conciliatory tone that never took sides, this time both of the NDP leader and the Liberal leader seem eager to quickly jump right in and immediately get involved and immediately voice personal judgmental opinions ?
Ottawa Canada, House of Commons Question Period - Feb 3rd, 2022 - After waiting a relatively long period of time before issuing an official statement on all of the violence and property damage that took place during many lawless protests last year, and after finally officially recognizing and commenting in a diplomatic, soft, understanding, compassionate and keep-the-peace conciliatory way using ideas like : 'meaningful negotiations are needed" or " we must continue working to move forward', or, 'we have to work together', or, 'this is inappropriate behavior', or ' this is unacceptable but understandable when considering past treatment', or, 'we're all in this together', or 'we must focus on inclusion reconciliation and diversity', and then, after a horrific racial incident that took place down in the United States, to bend and go down on knees to publicly show respect and support for BLM and for protesters, and to then show even more support by granting hundreds of millions in business loans in Toronto to support the black Canadian community, and then also, after refusing to celebrate Canada Day as 42 historic Christian Churches were being damaged or burnt down to the ground by arson, it seems that this time Trudeau and Singh don't hesitate to condemn the truckers protest ? And both are quick this time to judge, take sides and express personal opinions that strongly condem this protest using descriptions such as : 'hate', "occupation', 'terrorism', 'vandalism', 'stealing food from a food bank', 'desecrating historic statues', 'dishonoring Terry Fox and war heroes', 'flying hate flags', 'spreading hate ' etc etc, , ( and this is just the first few days of the protest )
10 days later,,
Feb 13 th 2022 - the Ambassador Bridge, Windsor Ontario - Police successfully clear the Ambassador bridge to traffic,, this week-long protest and sometimes total blockage is now over. The Canada Border Services Agency says the Ambassador Bridge border crossing between Windsor, Ont. and Detroit reopened late Sunday Feb the 13th.
Feb 14th, 2022 - Coutts Alberta - Arrests are made and Protesters are dispersed on Feb. 14, and traffic is moving. That same day, the federal government also invoked the Emergencies Act but Coutts Mayor Willett said it didn’t have much impact, saying he believed local police action was responsible for dissipating the blockade.
Feb 14, 2022 (Valentine's Day) - THE EMERGENCY MEASURES ACT - Although Trudeau's closest security advisors Jody Thomas National Security and Intelligence, Minister of Safety Marco Mendicino, and Minister of Emergency Preparedness Bill Blair , are all fully aware that the bridges have been cleared without incident by local forces , Trudeau invokes the never before used last hope and nuclear option Emergency Measures Act for the first time ever in Canada .
Feb 19, 2022, Saturday - The truckers (and everyone else) are cleared off the property by the Police presence and a massive heavily-armed military force. Thankfully No one was hurt. It's the End of the Truckers Protest .. The peaceful love in, speakers corner and nightly street party on the Hill are also over.. Everyone has left and gone home - goodbye and good luck to all.
Feb 21st, 2002 House of Commons ,, Ottawa Ontario
" Yawn,, It's been a long protest and I'm a bit tired tonight,, why not take a quick vote,, end Canada's democracy, , make the P.M. a supreme ruler. , and then we can all go home ? "
Feb 21st, 2002 - The Ambassador bridge and Coutts border crossing have both been cleared and re-opened to traffic that is once again moving normally on them . Both were actually successfully cleared even before Trudeau had initially invoked The Emergency Measures Act a week ago ? Two days ago a large contingent of heavily-armed local police and a well equipped army of riot military police vastly outnumbering the few remaining pedestrians and protesters had little trouble in persuading everyone that it was time to exit the hill and go home, NOW ! And so everyone had left on the week end without incident. A few of the remaining truckers were towed but most had just packed up peacefully and voluntarily left on their own accord. The trucker's freedom protest was over and the nightly love-in and dance party and speeches on the Hill are no more. However although the Emergency Measures Act is no longer required for the emergency it was called for, for some reason the Liberals and the NDP don't want to let it go ? Although over now and following a successful weekend conclusion, when Parliament resumes the following week the Liberals vociferously make claims in the House of a clear and present danger to the Nation so heinous and so desperate that it requires all of the freedom removing and one-sided policing powers allowed under the Emergency Measures Act remain active, alive and fully enforced on 36 million Canadians ? s-s-s Singh and the NDP argue that the Truckers are racist internal terrorists full of hate for Canada and wanting to use violence to overthrow the Government, (but offers no proof or evidence of this ),, and in a convincing speech cocaine Cody Blois the MP from Kings Hants, claims major Canadian Airports are seized and occupied by hate filled truckers, (but he also offers no proof or evidence of such an allegation) ? Trudeau's closest and most trusted security advisors including master manipulator Marco Mendicino Public Safety, Jody the Joker Thomas National Security and Intelligence, and Billy bullet Blair Emergency Preparedness, who all get daily briefings and receive more intel than anyone else must be fully aware the bridges were cleared without resistance by the local police and that traffic is once again moving normally ? And surely they must all be fully aware that as of now the truckers have packed up and left peacefully, and surely all of them would also have watched the respectful amicable polite social atmosphere occurring each night across from Parliament as police officers stood around chatting with nothing else to do ? But they do not testify to this in Parliament, and instead the 3 most trusted of advisors to the P.M. all continue to vehemently encourage and promote the idea that there currently exists extreme danger to the nation so threatening and perilous that it cannot be handled in normal ways by normal law enforcement and all 3 call for the entire nation to remain indefinitely bound to the dire conditions enforceable under the Emergency Measures Act, however, all 3 advisors will offer no proof or evidence of any clear or present danger ? Trudeau himself makes a passionate and convincing speech in Parliament about his own sincere personal belief of extreme peril and imminent danger to the Nation on the borders, on the bridges, in the cities, on the roads, in the banking system, and at the Airports, (but he also offers no proof or evidence of any of this) ? And so, late at night on the evening of Feb 21, 2022, 2 days after the protestors were cleared from the Hill on Saturday, and along with the partnership of Jagmeet Singh and the NDP, Trudeau, Singh and each and every one of their loyal job-securing followers use Canada's Parliament to end Canada's currently installed democracy and replace it with a totally non-democratic system ruled under the dark conditions of the Emergency Measures Act ? This loss of democracy is to be imposed on 36 million Canadian citizens for at least a 30-day time period ?
Its been a long 3 weeks and the protest appears to be over now, and it's been another long day today, and all the MP's must be tired, but you have to wonder how such a monumental and vital decision that will mean the loss of Canada's current duly elected democratic system and the loss of rights and freedoms for 36 million Canadians can ever be conducted and decided in such a hasty, careless, confused, frivolous, disrespectful, matter-of-fact and duh-whatever-you-say-Boss patronizing way, that ended with a quick vote that seems to have been based on a lot of nonsensical, hypothetical, unproven and over-exaggerated one-sided bias made in the speeches of some MP's during a single late night called session of Parliament ? And now that this monumental vote has passed and once the 30 day imposition of the Emergency Measures Act is over, this exact same process could easily be used once again by those in power for another 30, and then for another 30, and then another and another, all the way to the next Federal election. Does this not seem to be about as close as you can get to a form of coup d'é·tat ?
Oh my God ! We've just lost our Democracy !
Oh my God ! We just lost Democracy,
And so what had started out as a perfectly legal protest that was to be held by some truckers has now escalated in 3 weeks to an extremely precarious situation for about 36 million innocent Canadians who have nothing to do with it ? And it looks to them as if a handful of nervous people who work across the street from the protest site have been able to snatch a duly elected and installed democratic system away from them, and now all 36 million Canadians are umbrella ed under the same dark Governing powers and loss of civil liberties and special rule of law enforcement and added extra extreme police powers that are legally used against the very worst feared and dangerous national security, terrorist and military threats ? I am none of these ?
' How can it be that a few salaried civil servants in Ottawa can take democracy away from 36 million innocent Canadian citizens without even bothering to ask them first ? '
Feb 21st, 2002 - The Ambassador bridge and Coutts border crossing have been cleared and are re-opened to the traffic that is once again moving normally on them . Both had actually already been successfully cleared before Trudeau initially invoked the Emergency Measures Act ? Two days ago a large contingent of heavily-armed local police and a well equipped army of military police in heavy riot gear vastly outnumbering the few remaining pedestrians and protesters had little trouble in persuading everyone that it was time to exit the hill and go home, NOW ! And so everyone had left the hill over the past week-end without incident. A few of truckers had to be towed but most had just packed up peacefully and left town voluntarily on their own accord. This trucker's freedom protest was over and the nightly love-in and dance party and political speeches on the Hill are no more. However although the Emergency Measures Act is no longer required for the emergency it was called for, for some reason the Liberals and the NDP don't want to let it go ? Although the Protest is over following a highly successful conclusion on the weekend, when Parliament resumes the following week the NDP Liberals vociferously make claims in the House of the existence of a clear and present danger to the Nation that us so heinous and so desperate that it requires all of the freedom removing and one-sided policing powers allowed under the Emergency Measures Act must remain in tact and fully enforced on 36 million Canadians ? s-s-s Singh and the NDP argue that the Truckers are racist internal terrorists full of hate for Canada and want to use violence to overthrow the Government, (but offers no proof or evidence of this ),, and in a lengthy convincing speech cocaine Kody Blois MP Kings Hants, claims that major Canadian Airports are seized and occupied by hate filled truckers, (but he also offers no proof or evidence of the allegation) ? Trudeau's closest most trusted security advisors including master manipulator Marco Mendicino Public Safety, Juggling Jody Thomas National Security and Intelligence, and Bill the bullet Blair Emergency Preparedness, who all get daily briefings and receive more intel than anyone else must be fully aware the bridges were already cleared without resistance by local police and traffic is once again moving normally ? And surely they must all be fully aware that as of now the truckers have all packed up and left peacefully, and surely all of them would also have watched the respectful amicable polite social atmosphere occurring each night across from Parliament as police officers stood around chatting with nothing else to do ? But they do not testify to this in Parliament, and instead the 3 most trusted of advisors to the P.M. all continue to encourage and promote an idea that there currently exists extreme danger to the nation that is so threatening and so perilous that it cannot be handled in normal ways by normal law enforcement and all 3 advisors call for an entire nation to remain indefinitely bound to the war time drastic conditions enforceable under the Emergency Measures Act ? However, all 3 advisors offer no proof or evidence of any clear or present danger ? Trudeau himself makes a passionate and convincing speech in Parliament about his own sincere personal belief of extreme peril and imminent danger to the Nation on the borders, on the bridges, in the cities, on the roads, in the banking system, and at the Airports, (but he also offers no proof or evidence of any of this) ? And so, late at night on the evening of Feb 21, 2022, 2 days after the protestors were cleared from the Hill on Saturday, and along with the partnership of Jagmeet Singh and the NDP, Trudeau, Singh and each and every one of their loyal job-securing followers use Canada's Parliament to end Canada's currently installed democracy and replace it with a totally non-democratic system ruled under the dark conditions of the Emergency Measures Act ? This loss of democracy is to be imposed on 36 million Canadian citizens for at least a 30-day time period ?
Feb 23, 2022, 08:02 - International News Update State of Emergency - the Russia Army has invaded the Ukraine - For a perfectly VALID reason, the Ukraine security council has called for a 30-day nationwide State of Emergency to be invoked after it was invaded by the most powerful military country in the World and were now at War.
the loss of democracy in Canada is debated in the Canadian Senate,,
Feb 23, 2022 3 P.M. The Senate is now well into day 3 of a heated debate with all of the Liberal, NDP and independent Senators speaking highly in favor of the recent passing of a 30-day cessation to Canada's normal democratic rule. Suddenly these deliberations are interrupted right in the middle of Senator Plett's speech and everyone present is caught totally off guard and absolutely stunned by the unexpected announcement that the PM is going to revoke the Act rather than continue to impose this new form of Governance that he recently enacted in Parliament ?
What many see as an extremely dangerous and unnecessary motion is now debated in the Canadian Senate :
Feb 23, 2022 3 P.M. The Senate is now well into day 3 of a heated debate with all Liberal, NDP and independent Senators speaking highly in favor of rule under the Emergency Measures Act and passing a 30-day cessation to Canada's normal democracy ? but suddenly these deliberations are interrupted right in the middle of Senator Plett's speech and everyone present is caught totally off guard and absolutely stunned by the unexpected announcement that the PM is going to revoke the Act rather than continue to impose this new form of Governance on Canada ?
And so, what some Canadians describe as a kidnapping of a Country and the holding of that Country hostage until such time as the kidnapper chooses to release his kidnapped Country back to its rightful owners, appears to be over ?
And so, one of the darkest periods in our history, where we saw the loss of normal democratic rule in Canada take place by way of a hasty incomplete debate and vote that appeared based on fictitious stories, over-exaggerated bias, gossip, misinformation with no evidence offerred, false and made-up scenarios, the hypothetical, the imaginary, the ' what if '. or the, ' what might be possible', references to social media hype, along with some members being postured and coerced, along with, a certain amount of personal paranoia shown by some members ? Many accusations were made against the truckers that included : Conducting a siege and takeover, occupation of the city of Ottawa, internal terrorism, promoting terrorism, displaying Nazi and Rebel hate flags, hate and the spreading of hate, foreign espionage, international smuggling, possession of contraband including firearms hidden in trucks, sponsoring a white only protest, stealing from a food bank, the illegal occupation of first nations territory, desecrating honorary historic Canadian statues, dishonoring wartime veterans, disrespecting Terry Fox when placing LBGQT flags on his statue, the seizing, takeover and occupation of many Canadian Airports, blocking bridges and border crossings, threatening international trade, lowering the GDP, driving down the stock market, driving Ottawa businesses into financial ruin, internal and external money laundering, conspiracy to plan and execute a violent attack on a sitting Parliament similar to the recent Jan 6th Trump attack on the USA Congress, planning to take over the Government, islamaphobia, smoking in public, illegal parking, racism genderism and sexism, harassment, violating the local noise ordinance, breaking City fire prevention bylaws, and, there was even one unsubstantiated rumor that the Truckers may be in possession of a dirty bomb with plans to incinerate the entire nation of Canada coast to coast to coast ?
whew, that was a close one,, (for now ).
( O Canada, We will always stand on guard for thee..)
Feb 28th, Mar 1st 2022 Question Period - As Parliament reconvenes the following week, Liberal members dodge and refuse direct answers to the Opposition questions on this issue,
Apr 25th, 2002 A public inquiry is required by Law to explain the event and the reasoning behind the extreme and drastic measure of enacting a twin brother to the War Measures Act and never ever before-used Emergency Measures Act. This must be done within 60 days of the revocation that took place back on Feb 23, 2002 ? The Government waited until the very last minute to finally do so on April 25th, 2002.
relevant news clippings,,
Debate on the Emergencies Act (February 21st, 2022) Click
Emergencies Act regulations ban protests except for Indigenous or refugees . Click
Jan thru March 2020 , The First Nation cross Canada railway blockades - VIA Rail cancels all service across Canada on Feb 14th, 2020 , CN shuts down network east of Toronto Click
Feb 2022 - the Truckers Strike - Singh calls hate and internal terrorism while every sitting NDP member votes to install the Emergency measures Act . Click
May 10,2022 - RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki testifies to the Commission that the RCMP had never asked for the Emergencies Act to be invoked, Click
Chrystia Freeland acting PM refuses to answer questions at the inquiry,, Click
Ottawa Parliament Hill - At an official ceremony, Marci Ien, Justin Trudeau and guests center the pride flag and raise it higher than the Canadian red maple leaf flag ? Click
Russia-Ukraine crisis: Ukraine security council calls for nationwide state of emergency after invaded by a Superpower : Click
Trudeau finally announces the Emergencies Measures Act inquiry : Click
Ottawa Canada - So many police just standing around every night with nothing to do ? Everyone friendly sociable and respectful A happy party like atmosphere .. See for yourself on Ottawawalks, war campaign, walkers Reality TV UTube unedited nightly live news broadcasting from the Parliament hill protest site : Click Click Click
What powers can the Emergencies Act give Trudeau : Click
Trudeau knew about convoy talks but wanted an “emergency” anyway Click
Cabinet was told of a possible 'breakthrough' with protesters on the night before but Trudeau refused to listen and he still invoked the Emergencies Act,, Click
Ottawa police officer charged for allegedly donating $50 to Freedom Convoy: Click
RCMP head told Federal Government that police had not used 'all available tools' hours before the Emergencies Act was invoked : Click
Canada loses its democracy when an Emergencies Measures Act extension passes in Parliament despite protests fro opposition : Click
"the Emergencies Measures Act order specifically exempts Indians, refugees, immigrants, asylum seekers and ‘protected temporary residents and Ethnic minorities in its ban on protests ’." Click
Ambassador Bridge reopens after police clear protesters without incident, Click
" Let Me Be Clear " Chrystia Freeland non answer to questions pertaining to CBC reporting misinformation on the Protest ? Click
Truudeau gives millions to the BLM protesters but puts Truckers freedom protesters in jail ? Toronto, Sept 9, 2020 - Participants in a violent BLM protest are rewarded ? Trudeau announces a new Canadian multi-million dollar Liberal Government program specifically aimed for Black Canadians following the American George Floyd BLM protests, "We've heard very clearly from the Black community" ,, Click
Was it Justin Trudeau who picked a fight with the Truckists ? Click
Hold The Line: My story from the heart of the Freedom Convoy Click
Chrystia Freeland says Financial institutions have started freezing protesters’ bank accounts based on RCMP information, Click
Emergencies Measures Act directs financial institutions to cut ties with some people ! What new powers do the banks have under the Emergencies Act ? Click
Freeland said at a news conference that without obtaining a court order or fear of being sued Banks are now temporarily allowed to freeze personal and business bank accounts suspected of being used to further the blockades , These measures will also allow police, the Liberal Government agencies and the banks to share “relevant information ? Click
Is Marco Mendicino Canada's master manipulator and minister of misinformation or is he just plain Stupid ? Click
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, Tammy Peterson, and Tamara Lich break down the events leading up to, during, and after the internationally recognized Canadian Freedom Convoy, Click
Church burnings - Justin Trudeau Says the anger towards the Catholic Church is Understandable: Click
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>
Sep 04, 2023 Judge-alone trial for Tamara Lich, Chris Barber should last at least 16 days,, Click
On being a White Christian male in Canada ? A Lawyer wonders if heavier sentences are now being imposed on certain Canadian citizens because of their race religion and gender ? Click Click
A Caste system Convention ? 2023 NDP National Convention - Can it really be Canada ? NDP appear to be using a caste system, (like they have in India) where attendees must wear yellow or white tags ? M.C. at NDP national convention instructs those who declare themselves as being white and of the male gender to go to the back of the line. White tags are distributed to anyone identifying themselves as white Christian male and these people must go to the back of the line ? Those others with the yellow tags, are given favor and allowed to go to the front and to speak first ? Click
Nov 11, 2023 - Veterans insulted when Canada's Military is ordered by the Liberal Government not to use or recite Christian prayers like the Lords Prayer in Remembrance Day ceremonies ? Click
Freedom Convoy protesters struggling to get seized items back from police : Click
Jan 23, 2024 - Federal court rules that the Emergencie Measures Act invocation was 'not justified' ? Freeland will appeal ? Click
Jan 23, 2024 - Federal Court finds Emergencies Measures Act violated the Charter,, Click
Aug 3, 2024 - A jury has found the remaining two defendants of the Coutts Four, Tony Olienick and Chris Carbert, not guilty. The men were charged with conspiracy to murder charges as a result of their participation in the non-violent Truckers Freedom Convoy in February 2022, and held in custody ever since and denied bail in spite of no history of violence or criminal records. Click
Sept 19, 2007 - The original residential Schools full settlement,, The Steven Harper Government apology, agreement and settlement with First Nations over Indian Residential Schools. Click
CBC gambling on the Paris Olympics ? It seems that CBC has partnered with Ontario based online Sports betting Company BetRivers and is running gambling ads during telecasts of Olympic events ? Is this new idea of a Sports betting Company running gambling ads during Olympic events appropriate to the long tradition, strong principles and high moral values represented by the Olympic Games ? Click
Lost in Space________Episode # 1_______Death to Deniers !
Danger - Will Robinson, Danger Danger : No one is denying the existence of residential schools. And so why are Leah Gazan (NDP) Lindsay Mathyssen (NDP) and Kimberley Murray (Liberal Government investigator) still so unsatisfied and why are they trying to force their own unique personal viewpoint on everyone else ? Why do they want you to think the same way they think, believe what they believe, and forced to accept their ego-driven self centered version of events as truth or else be called a denier and sent to jail ? Click
Nov 17th, 2024 - CBC snubs the nation binding Grey Cup ? Click
Nov 22, 2024 - following a lengthy trial costing millions, accused convoy leader Pat King has been found guilty of 5 charges for his role 3 years ago in the Freedom Convoy Truckers protest ? Nothing yet on the BLM rioters and vigilantes that destroyed and vandalized civic property and historic artifcts, nor, on any of the arsonists that terrorized 20 million Christians when they burned down a total of 40 different historic Churches across Canada, nor, on any of the blockade perpetrators who held the Country hostage for over a Month when they shut down the Nation's Railway ? Click Click
Have Canadian Seniors been placed at the bottom of Trudeau's totem pole ?
No Respect ! Nov, 2019 - It seems as though Seniors get no respect and have practically been invisible ever since this new Government took over, but Seniors are about to finally get a small break, ( but, there is a catch ) ?
The forgotten Seniors age group are about to finally receive a welcome benefit from the Government in the form of a long overdue small raise in their Old Age Pensions, but there is a tricky caveat installed this time around ? Instead of the historical long running age 65, Seniors must now be over age 75 in order to be able to qualify ? This culling system appears to use ageism to discriminate and it will eliminate over 4000 or 57 % of Seniors from their new benefit ? Many Senior Citizens are feeling forgotten, disrespected and excluded by the government and not looking forward to another year under the Liberals.
Critical grievances 2021/22/23 :
1) Most Seniors are now retired, (only 1 in 5 still work full or part-time) and so they do not benefit from, nor qualify for, nor did they use any of the CERB rescue programs designed specifically to provide monetary assistance to large and small businesses and working folks ? A minority of Seniors ( those over age 75 ) had received a one per lifetime 500 dollar Covi crisis payment in 2021 but ( and it seems unconscionable during a health crisis) , the majority of Seniors, (those aged 65 to 74) were excluded from this benefit and didn't get it due to age ? Meanwhile, when many members of our society received 500 dollars each and every week while still allowed to earn a thousand dollars per month, many Seniors were living on less than a thousand per month in pensions and receiving no such assistance ? These emergency Covi-19 welfare measures doled out 210 billion to individuals and companies and created a massive deficit for 20/21 ? But, it is estimated that less than 4 % of these COVI caused deficits were made by Seniors since they didn't create it ? But unfortunately being that Seniors represent 20 % of the total Canadian population, they are responsible for 20 % of this debt even though they created less than 4 % of it ? It's like borrowing 4 dollars and then having to pay back 20 dollars ..,,,,,, aka loan sharking ?
2) A 2019 pre-election promise of a 10% raise in pension starting in July of 2020 was mean-spiritedly held back even though Covi came along in 2020 when this increase was desperately needed by all Seniors, incl those aged 65 and up ? *update* *The promised raise was finally implemented 2 year late in july of 2022. saving the Government billions ? and more billions were saved when the Government disqualified all Seniors age 65 thru 74.
3) A Sept/2019 pre-election promise to raise the Widows' Pension Survivors benefit by 25% was not kept and this benefit appears now as a pre-election falsehood that was only made to get the Senior vote ?
4) Although raking in billions in profits there's been no significant raise in C.P.P. benefits since the Libs first took power back in 2015, other than some loose change once-a-year COL adjustments ? Alberta began threatening to leave it in 2023.
5) A double punishment ? It seems to be discrimination when many of our Senior's spouses who were homemakers and raised children are excluded to CPP because they never had a opportunity to earn this pension, and also excluded from their GST rebate because of the current 1 only per household rules and as thus are left to live out their remaining years well below the minimum livable level ?
6) over 70% of the casualties of Covi were Seniors ? Of the 27,000 Canadians that have died from Covi about 20,000 of them were over 75, ( 75 is also the new minimum age used to qualify for the 10% raise in Old Age Pension) ?
7) After decades of systemic neglect, exploitation, abuse and suffering, the weakest and most vulnerable of all Canadian citizens had to be rescued by their own Army ? Yet no inquiry was ever ordered such as was the case with MMA ? Why was MMA given 100 million dollars for an inquiry but Long Term Care Nursing Home genocide has never been investigated and the families have never been offered such an inquiry or even an apology ?
8) It seems backwards when OAS and CPP are deemed taxable income by the Government but the incredibly generous Liberal child tax benefit is tax free ? Why would you keep taxing those that have already contributed so much and paid taxes for so many years and then let relatively new taxpayers who have not yet paid their fair share totally off the hook with a tax freebee ?
9) Since the Liberals first took power back in 2015, if you were to combine all OAS raises granted from back in 2015 until now in 2021 , ( this includes all Covi months ) the total increase to a pensioners monthly check after 6 years of Liberal governance wouldn't even buy him a daily cup of Hortons tea, ( your monthly check in 2021 is now approx 50 bucks more than it was in 2015 ) ? This seems negligent when considering the pandemic and the hefty cost of living increases ? update july 2022 - 10% raise for those over 75 finally started in july.
10) Seniors group treated like merchandise as hundreds of millions said to be designated for Seniors are never given directly to them but instead indirectly dispersed to many different individuals and organizations making a living off of Senior citizens and from related Government grants and funding ? And there is also the Minister of Seniors and her staff as well as an 11-member advisory board that must be paid ?
11) Seniors are not all brain dead and toothless ? Mental health assistance and Dentistry are expensive and many face a dental crisis as they age with no national dental plan or any help available ? update to 2024 - A limited dental plan is now available from the Government ?
12) Many Seniors are going hungry and cannot absorb massive rent increases ? A One bedroom in Halifax has risen from pre covi 800 up to 2100 in 2024 (more than their CPP and OAS combined) and still, no legislated guaranteed Monthly 'livable' inflation-adjusted income for each and every senior over the age of 65 ?
Since first elected in 2015, the Liberals have shown favoritism and unusual generosity towards their Canada Child tax credit benefit (baby bonus) but conversely have shown mean-spiritless and a frugal attitude towards Seniors ?
2015 Monthly OAP check to Seniors under Harper = $569.95
2021 current Seniors OAP check under Liberals - 626.49 (a total raise over 6 yrs of time of 56.54 or approx 10 % since Liberals took over )
And :
Baby Bonus or Child Tax Credit under Harper 2015 Monthly baby bonus check = approx 100.00 .
Baby Bonus or Child Tax Credit under Liberals - now over 600.00 ? This monthly increase in the baby bonus check is approx 500.00 more than Harper, or an increase of approx 600 % since Liberals took over ?
Sept 2019 - A pre election announcement . In a televised news conference delivered by the P.M. a new 10% raise is to be granted on Seniors pensions starting July of 2020. Unfortunately, ( in a first of its kind ), a highly unusual caveat is to be placed on the raise whereby the majority or 57 % of Seniors, (all those aged 65 to 74 ) are excluded and as such will not be allowed this Government benefit even though they have all earned their rightful place in Canada as Seniors ?
While claiming to be the party of systemic history cleansing and a party based on equality,inclusion, and diversity, the Liberals seem hypocritical when it comes to senior citizens after they appear to use division, ageism, discrimination, segregation, separation and exclusion in the first substantial raise to the Seniors old age pension since they assumed Government ? For the first time ever, many previously eligible Senior citizens will loose their right to receive a Senior's benefit ? An umbrellaed universality has always applied to any Canadian citizen who successfully reaches the age of 65 ? But the liberals have divided Seniors by splitting them into two separate and distinct entities based on age ? This culling maneuver serves to disqualify those Seniors aged 65 to 74 ( or approx 57 % of the current Senior population) from their entitlement because of their age ?
This new Liberal policy of separation and segregation could save the Government approx 4 million X 630 dollars per year. or at least 2,520,000,000.00 dollars.
July 2020 - Covi has arrived, and there will be no budget in this horrible year - There seems to be plenty of pandemic help for everyone else, but the 10% raise in OAS for Seniors has been withheld and not rolled out in July/2020 as promised, nor will it be rolled out for all of 2020, although the unreleased and held-back raise is often referred to as a current benefit given to help Seniors with their expenses during the pandemic year 2020 even though the raise was never released to them during the entire year and most can't use it and even if ever released as it only applies to 43 % of Seniors ?
^ UPDATE * Liberal Budget year 2021 -
Apr 2021 - Budget 2021 - It seems that the 10% raise in Seniors old age pension that was first promised to Seniors back in 2019 and that was suppose to start in July 2020, is now being described and represented here in budget 2021 as the major new benefit given directly to Seniors as their part of federal Budget 2021 (even though the raise is still withheld and will remain unreleased for the rest of 2021 ) ? Although described as a 'Seniors' benefit, it can't benefit all Seniors as implied, but can only help 43 % of the Canadian Seniors population if ever released ? Unfortunately politicians continue to refer to the raise as if it is already released and as if it is already being used and enjoyed by all Canadian Seniors which is misleading ?
^ UPDATE * Liberal Budget 2022 -
Apr 7th, 2022 - Nothing much new in this budget for Seniors ? But noticed an opportunity taken to go back in time to remember the lowering of the OAP age limit from 67 to 65 some 7 years ago ? This history is true but can it really be included as something new for Seniors in a new budget 7 years later ?
It seems that the still unreleased 10% raise in Seniors old age pension as first announced back in 2019 and scheduled to start in July 2020,, is once again being called upon in 2022 to represent the highlight and major benefit given to Seniors as their part of Budget 2022 ? This raise that has already been presented and used as part of last years 2021 budget hasn't even started yet ? It's difficult to understand how a Senior's benefit from last year, (and the year before), keeps on being repeated or duplicated over and over again like this, and repeat credit being taken for it on multiple occasions ? Shouldn't a brand new budget contain only fresh and brand-new original benefits and not old ones resurrected from past years that are just being repeated and re-used ? Surely it would be inappropriate to resurrect a past benefit already given out to Seniors in a past budget 2021 and already given the credit for, and to then take the credit for it all over again in 2022 ?
And not to be remiss, there was another promise made 3 years ago that would benefit many needy Seniors in the form of a 25 % raise in Widows' Pension Survivors benefits ? But after 3 years this pre-election promise is once again totally missing from yet another budget ? And so this promise looks to be totally forgotten about now that the election is over ?
**** NEW UPDATE June 2022 *******
June 23, 2022 news item - " Seniors, renters and low-income workers to get a boost from a new plan to help fight inflation "
Thursday June 23, 2022 - Deputy prime minister and the minister of finance Chrystia Freeland has announced a new $8.9 billion plan that will help Canadians deal with this year's record-breaking inflation. It seems that the still unreleased 10% raise in Seniors old age pension is once again being resurrected and is called upon to represent Senior citizens share and will be the all Seniors part of her new 8.9 billion dollar Affordability Plan even though it leaves out all seniors aged 65 thru 74 ? <a href=" prime minister and minister of finance Chrystia,child-care fees, and a boost for low-income renters" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>
Thursday June 23, 2022 - The new, 'affordability plan' ?
Chrystia Freeland announces new $8.9 billion in aid to help Canadians deal with record-breaking inflation.. The (still unreleased) Seniors 10 % raise in OAS will serve as their part. But, but, now wait just a minute here,, how can this be ? When the 10% raise was originally promised to Seniors back in 2019 it was described simply by the PM to be a 10% raise in OAS for Seniors to start in July 2020 ? No one said anything about it being attached to, or a part of, or a share of, anything else ? This was strictly a private and independent matter made solely between the Seniors and the Government ? There was no mention of anything or anyone else, or any package deal, or that it would ever represent a portion or a share of any other different matter, nor any mention of it being aid given out to seniors in inflationary times, nor anything about any new 8.9 billion dollar Affordability Plan ?
This newly announced Affordability Plan is a separate and non-related outside issue to the original Seniors raise, and so unfortunately this means that the original promise that was made to Seniors back in 2019 is drastically changed now and is being used differently with a new and different definition ? The original 2019 raise was presented to Seniors in a private, straightforward, and unencumbered way, but it appears now that it has become connected to, or attached to, or bound up within issues that were never mentioned to Seniors back in 2019 ? And so, the original understanding held by Seniors in 2019 that it was a private benefit to be given to them only, has instead now changed and it has become a part of a different larger more multi-party social benefit matter in which Seniors are included, (and we presume that when this new Plan refers to 'Seniors', it includes all Seniors in the all-inclusive 65 + sense ?)
July 18, 2022, "Announcing 'new' support for Seniors"
July 21 st, 2022 - Minister of Seniors Kamal Khera proudly announces what she calls 'new' support for Seniors in a Facebook meeting ? She says this 'new' support is to be in the form of a 10% raise in the Seniors OAS monthly payments for those over 75 ? But, but, wait just a minute ? This is the same raise that was announced back in Sept of 2019 and was suppose to begin in July 2020 ? And this is just the same raise that we've all been waiting for ever since that time ? And so it is difficult to understand how the Minister can call anything that is 3 years old and has been 2 years late starting, as something that is new ? It's also hard to understand how anyone would consider this as 'new' support for "Seniors" with an 's' when this raise only applies to a small percentage of Seniors, ( only those over age 75) and it will exclude the majority of seniors (all those aged 65 to 74 )? Nevertheless, although it is 2 years late arriving , this announcement is most welcome and will certainly provide comfort to the 43% of eligible Seniors who qualify for the raise especially after many had given up all hope after waiting 2 years ?
July 27th, 2022 - The long awaited big Day has finally arrived ! The 43 % of eligible Canadian old age pensioners are today reporting that the very first-ever 10 % increase in payment in their pension checks that was promised to them some 3 years ago back in Sept 2019 has finally arrived.
Nov 3rd, 2022,'the Fall Economic Statement'
In a press conference, the Government has announced its new 'Fall Economic Statement' in the form of a November mini-budget. Seniors are not mentioned in the announcement ? When queried about this omission the reply was that seniors over 75 will receive a 10 % raise in OAS ? Although seniors were expecting some much-needed new assistance in this new mini budget, unfortunately, there was just another repeat usage of the 10% Seniors OAS (stuck record) raise, (that unfortunately excludes seniors age 65 thru 74) ? Incredibly, this will be the 3rd consecutive budget using the same 10% Seniors raise in OAS pension ?
"Surely never before in the field of Government benefits, has a benefit been used in so many different ways and in so many different matters and by so many different Liberal politicians on so many different occasions over so many different years. "
news clippings,,
Global News · 2019-09-18 Initial promise of 10% increase in Seniors OAS starting in 2020 ? Click
Trudeau in Kitchener Monday, Sept. 16, 2019 : New 10 |% OAS raise to begin in July 2020, Click
2019-09-18 Trudeau promises Seniors he will boost CPP survivor's benefit by 25% Click
COVID-19 update: Call for inquiry ? Canada closing in on 50,000 known cases. Nursing homes account for 79% of deaths to date ? Calling for a nursing-home inquiry into genocide similar to the liberal government 100 million dollar MMA inquiry ? Click
Ontario’s role in the COVID-19 deaths of more than 5,000 nursing-home residents, Click
In 2020, the consolidated Canadian general government (CGG), posted a historic deficit in the order of $325.5 billion. Click
Since coming to office in 2015, the Trudeau Liberals have increased federal spending from $281 billion to $497 billion. The national population has increased 21%. Click
Canada’s auditor general says a “minimum” of $27.4 billion in suspicious COVID-19 benefit payments needs investigated ? CRA announced they will not investigate $30 billion in suspicious CERB payments because “it wouldn’t be worth the effort" Click
the 2022 Federal Budget,, Click
2021 the Federal Budget,, Click
Elderly Canadians are in trouble - Seniors find themselves firmly positioned on the bottom of the Trudeau totem pole ? Click
The rapid rising cost of renting a place combined with high prices on everything else are pushing low and middle class seniors into poverty : Click
June 23, 2022 - Affordability Plan ? Invisible Seniors aged 65 thru 74 ? Minister of finance Chrystia Freeland announces a new $8.9 billion Affordability plan while apparently forgetting that the OAS raise applies only to Seniors over age 74 ? Click Click
2022 Federal budget ? The, as yet to be released, 10 % raise to the Seniors old age pension that was given to Seniors in last years budget 2021 is to be resurrected and re-given to Seniors a second time once again in a second consecutive yearly Federal budget ? Click
Jun, 2022 - Deputy prime minister and minister of finance Chrystia Freeland announced Thursday an $8.9 billion plan to help Canadians deal with record-breaking inflation. Click
Nov 2022 - Kamal kould Khera less the Minister of Seniors is questioned in House of Commons , Click
July 18 2022 - How can a benefit that had been described as 'new' in an election promise some 3 years ago in 2019, and then described again as a 'new' Covi benefit to help out Seniors in pandemic 2020, and then described again as a 'new' benefit for Seniors in the federal budget 2021, and then described and used once again as a 'new' benefit for Seniors in federal budget 2022, and then in 2022 also described once again as a 'new' benefit for Seniors in an Affordability Plan and also in as new in the Liberal Fall mini budget, ever be described and referred to as something 'new' by this Liberal Minister of Seniors ? Kamal Khera on July 18 2022 announcing, "Today we are announcing new support for Seniors aged 75 and up" ????? What's with this stuck record playing over and over ? Click
Kamal Kould Khera less votes No to equality and for those Seniors aged 65 thru 74 to receive the same 10 % raise in OAS that the other Seniors had received ? Click
March 31, 2023 - Renters desperate for help ! Rent for a 1 bedroom in Halifax goes from pre-Covi 750.oo in 2019, up to 2150.oo in 2024 ? But very severe restrictions and limitations are placed on the one time only Canada $500 Rent Assistance benefit that are almost impossible to overcome ? Click
Years of unimaginable abuse to Senior Citizens in Canadian Long Care Nursing Homes - Manitoba to disband office created to protect Seniors in long term care following a scathing report ? quote " What the report revealed, specifically as it relates to abuse of elderly, is sickening and repulsive," Relatives call for inquiry similar to MMA inquiry into the decades of systemic abuse and genocide of Senior citizens ? Click
Bill C-319 is an Act to amend the Old Age Security Act (amount of full pension) Click
July 26,2023 - Seamus O’Regan Jr. appointed new Minister of Seniors ? Both of these Minister of Seniors voted NO to C-319 that would have provided justice, fair play and equallity to Seniors aged 65 thru 74 ? Click
Oct 22 2023 House of Commons - Many Seniors are veterans. Questions to the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs - Why is this Liberal Government banning Christian prayers such as the Lords Prayer on Remembrance Day ? In many cases these were the last words that a dying soldier ever heard spoken to him when lieing mortally wounded on the battlefiels,. Click
Nov 11, 2023 Lest We Forget. Military Chaplains receive orders from the current Government not to recite Christian prayers such as the Lords Prayer at this years Remembrance Day ceremonies ? Click
Oct 18 2023 - Bill C-319 - Minister of Finance, the PM and both Ministers of Seniors vote No to allowing Seniors aged 65 thru 74 the right to receive the same 10% raise in OAS as other Seniors currently enjoy ? But the Bill passes first reading anyway without them ? Click
Jul 29, 2024 - a news article in CBC could create conflict between Canadian Seniors and the younger generations ? Click
Why are Halifax City Councillors taking advantage of the poor, the handycapped, the sick and the elderly by making vulnerable low and fixed income pensioners pay out of pocket for HRM transit system free loaders to ride the buses for free ? Click
Many Senior citizens enjoy occasional recreational tobacco, however this small indulgence has become unaffordible for many Seniors due to punishing Government over taxation, Click Click
CBC Apr 21 2024 - Are Seniors being blamed for the housing crisis ? Treasury Board President Anita Anand implies that over generosity in favor of Seniors has affected the Mill and Z generations from getting a home ? Click
CRA taxation year 2023 - While many Senior citizens struggle with an increasing cost of living, Liberals raise personal income taxes of low and mid-income Seniors ? In July 2024 Liberals decrease Seniors old age pensions ? Click
As Seniors old age pensions are downsized the Canada Child Benefit is upsized by 4.7% ? Click
CBC Apr 21 2024 - Anita is certainly true to her word' - in this interview Treasury Board President Anita Anand feels that previous budgets have been favoring Seniors and this imbalance may have adversely affected the younger Mills and Gen Z generations ? She prophesies that there will be a correction to this unfair situation ? Click
Some struggling seniors are soon to shiver ? The Nova Scotia Tim Houston Government is apparently unawares of the record cost of living struggle and rental crisis in Nova Scotia and they've decided to cut this years home heating rebate downwards to almost half of what it was last year ? The rebate is reduced to 600 dollars for winter 2024-25 ? Click
As Liberals downsize all Seniors old age pensions they upsize the Canada Child Benefit by 4.7% ? Click
CBC coverage of the Paris Olympics 2024 - CBC appears to have partnered with Ontario based online Sports betting Casino BetRivers and is running casino gambling ads during its telecast of Olympic events ? Is the inclusion of regularily run sports betting ads during Olympic events appropriate to the high moral standards set by the Olympic Games ? Click
Dec 07, 2024 , shocking findings promote serious concerns - Department in charge of Old Age Security auditor doesn't know if payments are enough, Click